Write For Us – Health & Wellness Guest Posts
Yes! You can write for us on any health-related guest post. We accept guest posts on yoga, meditation, health, fitness, wellness, and lifestyle. We would like your articles to be simple, straight to the point, and relevant to our readers. Once accepted for review, we will work closely with the author for the enhancement to get it published. You may feel free to contact us to decide on the title of the post. The article you submit may be on the following topics.
- Health and wellness tips.
- Benefits of Yoga and other workouts.
- Research articles on health, and fitness.
- Personal experience stories
- Lifestyle
- Ayurveda
- Naturopathy
- Fasting and Diet
- Yoga and Meditation
The above list is indicative only and not exhaustive which means the topic of your articles may be other than these, yet relevant to the readers of this website.
Yoga related posts may be submitted to classic yoga.
Article Requirements
Before submitting a guest post, please ensure that the following points are met.
- The article must contain at least 700 words. Higher the words, better the chance of being considered for publication. However, it should not exceed 3500 words. It does not mean we never accept an article with a lower word count. We always prefer quality to size.
- The language should be English. It should be simple and relevant to our readers. It should be optimized for a keyword or a set of keywords that users search for. For this purpose, our editorial team will help you.
- Your article should contain passive voice sentences that are less than 10% of the total sentences.
- No three consecutive sentences should start with one same word.
- At least 20% of the sentences should contain transition words. If it is more than 30%, it is great.
- No paragraph should contain more than 150 words. Likewise, no sub-section should contain more than 300 words.
- Our editorial team will do some minor edits if it is required without altering the general message of the article.
- You may also submit an image relevant to the title of your article.
- Once published, we share your article with our social media, email lists, and other media. You may also share your article with your social media platforms.
- The article should be original and you should have undisputed ownership. We don’t accept already published content. However, after publishing here, you can publish elsewhere but you should mention the original publication of the article here.
- By submitting the articles, you are accepting the guidelines. We always reserve the right to accept, reject, or modify the articles as required.
- You should send the guest post articles in a word file to this mail.
No Do-follow Links
Also, we do not accept sponsored posts that contain links to an affiliate for the sponsored link which promotes a sale of a product or service. Also, we do not allow do-follow links. Only contextual no-follow links are allowed.
Note: If you are submitting guest posts means you have read and accept our terms and conditions.